Press Release

Celent Communications Features Insurance Technologies as a Top Point-of-Sale Software Provider

July 21, 2004
Colorado Springs, CO

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO (July 21, 2004) – In a June 2004 report published by Celent Communications, “Insurance Illustrations: A Necessary Evil Becomes a Competitive Differentiator”, Insurance Technologies is ranked as one of the top vendors in illustration software in the financial services industry.

The report published by Celent highlights eight illustration vendors and characterizes their strengths, weaknesses and offerings to the financial services industry. Insurance Technologies was praised for its mobile capabilities, allowing users to work disconnected or connected, and for its many strategic partnerships, including CSC and Ibbotson Associates.

Craig Weber, author of the report, says, "We expect Insurance Technologies to continue to play a leading role in the evolution of the illustrations market."

“Celent’s positive comments about our product affirm ForeSight™’s leadership in the illustration vendor space,” said Steve Leigh, Senior VP Sales & Marketing of Insurance Technologies. “Customers continue to realize significant sales growth as a result of ForeSight’s innovative technology.”

In a previous Celent study from 2002, “Profiling the Vendors of Web Front-End Systems for Life/Health Carriers”, Insurance Technologies was praised by customers for its ‘clear presentation of pricing information’ and ‘product maturity and implementation methodology’.

About Celent Communications

Celent Communications is a research and advisory firm dedicated to helping financial institutions formulate comprehensive business and technology strategies. Celent publishes reports identifying trends and best practices in financial services technology, and conducts consulting engagements for financial institutions looking to use technology to enhance existing business processes or launch new business strategies. With a team of internationally experienced analysts, Celent is uniquely positioned to offer strategic advice and market insights on a global basis.

About Insurance Technologies (

Based in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Insurance Technologies offers point-of-sale illustration software to the insurance and financial services industries. Its award-winning product, ForeSight, supports all product types, including Life, Health, Annuities, Mutual funds, Critical Illness, DI, and LTC – all on a single mobile platform.


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