Sales Automation Software for
All Lines of Business

Efficiently Support All Lines of Business

Advance your sales opportunities, processes and back office efficiencies for all lines of business with our comprehensive retirement and insurance software solutions.

IGO Electronic Application and Insurance Sales

Sales Platform

FireLight® is a multi-carrier sales platform-as-a-service solution that automates and accelerates the way business is captured, delivered and supported across all lines of business and product types.

  • Life Insurance: Variable Universal, Indexed Universal, Universal, Whole Life, and Term Life
  • Annuities: Variable, Fixed, Indexed, Immediate and Deferred
  • Long-Term Care
  • Disability Income
  • Critical Illness
  • Mutual Funds
  • Health Care
  • Property & Casualty
  • Hybrid Products
  • Alternative Investments
  • Financial and Non-Financial Transactions
  • And more…

Discover FireLight

Insurance Sales Illustration Software

Enterprise Sales Illustrations

ForeSight® is an intuitive and responsive illustration software platform that supports key aspects of the illustration sales process for multiple lines of business across diverse distribution channels.

Discover ForeSight

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FireLight® for Life Insurance

FireLight® Sales Platform provides sales capabilities for life pre-sale data capture and pre-authorization activities, life insurance illustrations, life e-Application, life policy e-Delivery and life policy post-sale support, simplifying the selling and buying experience of various life products.

FireLight® for Annuities

FireLight® Sales Platform delivers robust platform features and sales capabilities for processing all types of annuities. FireLight Sales Platform supports unique annuity pre-sale data capture and activities, annuity illustrations, annuity e-Application fulfillment order entry, annuity contract e-Delivery and annuity post-issue processing on one platform.

ForeSight® for Life Illustrations

ForeSight® provides the features and functionality to run new business, multi-product, and inforce illustrations for all life insurance products. Support individual life, multi-life and voluntary group life with one robust enterprise illustration system.

ForeSight® for Annuity Illustrations

ForeSight® supports all annuity product types including variable, fixed, fixed indexed, immediate and deferred annuities. ForeSight presents compliant and compelling point-of-sale illustrations for simple to multifaceted products, benefits and concepts.

ForeSight® for Long-Term Care Illustrations

Create client-centric sales illustration presentations for qualified and non-qualified plans, individual or joint quotes, and integrate state-specific requirements with ForeSight® illustration.

ForeSight® for Life Insurance Illustrations

  • Supports life insurance products
    • Variable Universal Life
    • Indexed Universal Life
    • Universal Life
    • Whole Life
    • Term Life
    • Survivorship
  • NAIC and FINRA compliant sales illustrations
  • In-force illustrations
  • Supplemental reports (product descriptions, underwriting guides, etc.)
  • Advanced and middle market sales concepts
    • Split dollar, executive bonus
    • Deferred compensation, SERP
    • Mortgage cancellation
    • Business continuation
    • Personal concepts
    • Key person, Term policy vs. Permanent (with side fund)
  • Features:
    • All premium modes
    • MEC premium testing with optional premium reduction or face increase to prevent MEC
    • 7702 testing—both guideline premium and CVAT
    • LIFO and FIFO taxation
    • Scheduled distributions: surrenders/withdrawals, loans, withdrawal to basis and switch to loans
    • Conversions and 1035 exchanges
    • Scheduled death benefit and death benefit option changes

ForeSight® for Annuity Illustrations

  • Supports all annuity insurance products
    • Fixed Annuity
    • Fixed Indexed Annuity
    • Immediate Annuity
    • Variable Annuity
    • Payout Annuity
    • Deferred Annuity
    • Market Value Adjusted Annuity
    • Structured Settlement
  • FINRA compliant hypothetical and historical illustrations
  • Supplemental reports (product descriptions, customized charts, etc.)
  • Advanced and middle market sales concepts
    • Asset allocation modeling
    • Pre-set volatility modeling
    • Stretch IRA
    • Retirement income planning
    • Annuity maximization
    • Split annuities
  • Features:
    • All Share Classes: A Share, B Share, C Share, L Share, Bonus
    • All Markets: IRA, Roth IRA, Nonqualified, Qualified, 401(k), and 403(b)
    • Taxation: Excludable, After-Tax Income and comparison, etc.
    • Settlement Options: Income, Lump Sum, Installment, Certain, Guarantee
    • Riders
    • Living and Death Benefits: GMWB, GLWB, GMIB, GMDB and GMAB
    • Withdrawal Options: RMD, 72(t)/(q)
    • Payouts

ForeSight® for Long Term Care (LTC) Illustrations

  • Single/Joint quote options
  • Premium matrix for Benefit Period/Elimination Period options, or Benefit Amount options
  • Long-Term Care cost comparison and calculator
  • Selection and comparison of three LTC coverage plans in one screen
  • Related product report to help cross-sell LTC insurance
  • Support for partnership plans to help clients see which plan is right for them