Sales Automation Software for
Insurance Carriers

Optimize Sales Opportunities and Experiences

Enhance business strategies, distribution relationships and sales experiences across multiple lines of business and sales channels with sales automation solutions that adapt with product and market advancements.

Sales Automation for Carriers

Our scalable and customizable sales solutions provide insurance carriers with comprehensive, straight-through business processing capabilities that strengthen distribution relationships. ForeSight® and FireLight® enable carriers to showcase product strengths, increase suitability, meet compliance, gain sales intelligence and streamline the complete sales process across multiple sales channels. Discover how our software solutions enable carriers to reshape how they engage and interact with prospects and policyholders and advance with the ever-changing insurance and retirement sales environment.

Insurance Illustration Software and Insurance Sales

Enterprise Sales Illustrations

Advance the way your life, annuity and other insurance and retirement products are understood, quoted, illustrated and sold. Provide your sales force the sales illustration capabilities to showcase your product uniqueness and provide holistic financial solutions that meet their clients’ needs.

Discover ForeSight

IGO Electronic Application and Insurance Sales

Sales Platform

Transform the way your insurance, financial and retirement products are bought, sold, processed and managed. Create and deliver cohesive sales processes and experiences to your advisors, distribution partners and consumers with one comprehensive digital sales platform.

Discover FireLight

Connect with us today to learn more!

Call us today at 719.442.6400 or complete the form below for a product specialist to contact you.



Channel Software Solutions for: Carriers | Distributors

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