FireLight® Sales Automation Software
for Insurance and Financial Services

End-to-End Digital Sales Experiences, One Platform

Digitally transform the entire sales process across all lines of business with an end-to-end insurance and retirement sales platform that enables you to create cohesive and influential sales and buying experiences.

Financial and Insurance Sales Software

One Platform - Cohesive Experiences - Unified Data - Unmatched Capabilities

Why FireLight

FireLight® is a multi-carrier sales platform that delivers a suite of interconnected sales components that transforms the way insurance, retirement and investment products are marketed, sold and supported. Built from the ground up, FireLight provides a configurable, cost effective solution to implement and manage, while offering a consistent user experience and shared data from account opening to illustration through e-application and post-sale services. FireLight delivers unique flexibility along with a powerful rules engine, built-in e-signature, robust API capabilities and self-managing tools, efficiently supporting various lines of business, workflows and sales processes. Create cohesive sales experiences for your advisors and consumers with FireLight Sales Platform.

Create Your Sales Experiences

FireLight Sales Platform provides both robust platform features and configurability to support the various interconnected sales components, providing insurance carriers, financial institutions and distributors the ability to quickly and efficiently create and manage their unique sales processes and experiences.

  • One platform for various sales activities
  • All lines of business and product types
  • Interconnected sales data across all activities
  • Built-in e-Signature options
  • Robust API layer
  • Multiple user experience options
  • FireLight Embedded
  • Base platform integrations
  • Data reporting and analytics
  • Self-management and design tools
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Maximize Sales Enablement

Discover the advantages of FireLight:

  • Manages all product types and complexities
  • Optimizes sales with various key sales activities on a single platform
  • Delivers cohesive user experience across the entire sales lifecycle
  • Supports diverse business requirements, workflows and sales strategies
  • Supplies the flexibility to support multi-channel and omni-channel sales
  • Automates suitability, regulatory and compliance processes
  • Provides unified data model, minimizing integrations and increasing efficiency
  • Empowers modernized straight-through processing
  • Presents sales transparency and business intelligence
  • Enables self-management, design and testing capabilities

Connect with us today to learn more!

Call us today at 719.442.6400 or complete the form below for a product specialist to contact you.



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